How are paralogs used in phylogenetic analysis?
Paralogs can be used if we cannot identify an orthologous relationship between two proteins. We would look at each protein’s gene family and do a separate phylogenetic analysis for every gene family. What does a cladogram represent? A cladogram is a phylogenetic tree used to determine if one group of…

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DFAM Consensus

How Are Results Used In Phylogenetic Tree Construction?
This information can be used by an algorithm called BLAST, which finds all proteins that are similar to each other and groups them together into “clusters”. From here, we can assume that the sequences in each cluster evolved together. Once this is done, we can compare clusters to find out…

What Are Some Of The Types Of Errors in Science?
There are two main types of errors that can occur in this process: false positive and false negative. A false positive occurs when two proteins are incorrectly found to be homologous, while a false negative occurs when one protein is not found to be homologous with another. What is an…

What Are Aligned Protein Features In DNA?
A set of protein fragments (e.g., sequence motifs) present in multiple proteins. Each of these protein fragments is called an “aligned feature”, and the process by which they are discovered is called “feature discovery”. The problem of finding all aligned features in two sets of proteins is referred to as…

25 Tips for Great Job Interview
Tip For A Great Job Interview We’ve all been there: You finally get that phone call or an email confirming your interview. Now what?You want to be prepared and focused during the interview so you can make a great impression and leave an even better one. Here are some tips…

17 Wedding Planning Tips
The proposal has been made, the engagement ring is on your finger…but now what? When couples begin planning their weddings, they may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to prioritize. However, with the appropriate guidance, it might be a snap. Here are our top 17 wedding planning ideas and methods…

Meet The Parents: Do’s & Don’ts
Meeting your girlfriend or boyfriend’s family for the first time can be a daunting experience, but it’s better to be prepared and know what you should and shouldn’t do. Here are some do’s and don’ts to help you make a good impression: Do dress nicely You don’t need to wear…

Best Compliments You Can Give
If you’re anything like me, then you compliment everyone and anyone on everything all the time; haircuts, outfits, shoes – if it looks cute or makes you feel confident in some way shape, or form, I compliment about it. I compliment complete strangers on the weather, and I compliment my…

Top Careers In The Beauty Industry
The beauty industry can be very rewarding, both financially and personally. Some jobs in the beauty industry require formal training, while others do not. If you are passionate about beauty and want to make a career out of it, consider one of these top careers in the beauty industry. In…